“The use of pre-recorded sounds and images created a sense of being both in the recorded past and in the live present.” (Petralia 2010, p.96)  

“sound and physical presence being re-located to within a viewer’s brain” (Petralia 2010, p.96/7)

To add more texture to our script we decided to create an atmosphere with a piece of instrumental music by Crystal Castles. After receiving feedback, we realized how music let the audience member unlock a more vivid imagination.

Crystal Castles: Tell Me What To Swallow


Over the top of this instrumental, we also want to use pre-recorded sound effects, as well as making live sound effects.

The Jungle


Live sound effects: We will rustle leaves in front of the microphone to portray walking through the jungle. We will also snap a twig when the script indicates us to.


Drowning at the beach: 
Live sound effects: We will use half full litre bottles of water and continuously shake them to create the sound effect of waves.


The Meadow


We have chosen another instrumental by Crystal Castles to portray the physical effect taking recreational drugs can have on the human body. The music sounds like distorted voices.

Crystal Castles: I Am Made Of Chalk




Live sound effects: We will use a strepsil packet the represent the crackling of a fire.



Works Cited: Petralia, Peter Salvatore(2010) ‘Headspace: Architectural Space in the Brain’, Contemporary Theatre Review, Vol 20: 1, pp.96 — 108.