You're in a box, the box will always be a box and you will always be in the box

Month November 2012


On the 5th November as part of our contemporary workshop we took part in an online performance through Writing a tweet in under 140 characters provides you with fragments of feelings/thought/opinion and information. Because our performance is created through… Continue Reading →

‘Manipulating the stimulus’

When initial ideas had been generated for our final performance, the use of headphones was a popular choice within our group. After studying the article, Headspace : Architectural Space in the Brain and watching the performance of Whsiper we have generated a greater understanding… Continue Reading →

Where is the box?

Our next step was to create  more text to work with and see what senses we could distinguish within these scripts. Here is one I wrote based on a location that the box could be considered within: You are walking… Continue Reading →

The effects of isolation

Peter Salvatore Petralia states “A physical space exists in the world, and the experience of that space exists in the listener’s consciousness” (2010, p.101). This is the concept we wanted to make apparent within our work. The notion of thinking… Continue Reading →

Working script

After merging the five pieces of text it created a working script. This is the working script that we experimented with in a few rehearsals and created sound for the piece. Orange, red, yellow, white. Orange, red, yellow, white. Orange,… Continue Reading →

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