You're in a box, the box will always be a box and you will always be in the box

Month November 2012

Are We Present?

After watching Marina Abramovic: The Artist is Present, we decided we wanted to explore the idea of connecting with an audience.   Abramovic uses this performance to connect with audience members by just making eye contact with them. We found… Continue Reading →

Repeat Performance?

One of the things we want to explore with our performance, is the notion of no two performances ever being the same. No matter how many times you perform a piece, it will never truly be the same. In Performance… Continue Reading →

Stream of Subconsciousness

A stream of consciousness is a narrative device used in literature to depict the multitudinous thoughts and feelings which pass through the mind. We were asked to create a stream of subconsciousness after watching our class partner repeatedly stand up, to then… Continue Reading →

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