The performance went as according to plan, there were a few minor technical hitches ,however these were quickly solved and we managed to perform to eight audience members over the space of two and a half hours. Feedback from participants was varied, one audience member stated “it felt like you were actually in the places, the music was relaxing but the box was threatening” (Lane,2012). This confirmed the aims of the performance. If we were to repeat the performance again we would have five boxes in the space to avoid waiting time for participants. The sound could be worked upon more if we had more time to practice with the microphones and technical equipment. More text could have been produced and we could have perhaps borrowed more language from sources such as Twitter and the Web to colour our text. I would be eager to repeat this performance with five boxes and a longer rehearsal period. The subconscious could be researched into more and we could consequently explore the sublime through performance to a greater extent. It was overall an eye-opening project and has made me enthusiastic to investigate further into this field of performance.

The box could be anywhere…


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