Our performance idea has created endless possibilities for our script, we just need the audience member participating to use their imagination.  After our first feedback session with our tutor we realized the script, even though it told a dysfunctional story was too literal. We need to create a world outside of the box which the audience member can only imagine. With the use of sound effects we are going to take the audience from a jungle to a beach to a meadow and then to a party.

Our stream of subconsciousness was used again to create fragmented stories around these locations. Here is a our final (hopefully!) script:

You’re in a box. We’ve padlocked you in. The box will always be a box and you will always be in the box, but everything outside the box could change. You could be at a train station waiting for a train that may or may not arrive, biding your time writing a love letter to her that will not reach. You could be stood on barricades fighting for your country- Join the Army, see the world, meet interesting people-and kill them. You could be in the park, playing numerous amounts of games, please mum let’s not go home. You’re in bed swallowing the taste of her sweat her hands are the most delicate touch. You’re trapped in the sewers rats crawling all over your helpless body. (CHALK SOUND)Orange, red, yellow, white.

(Cue sound effects-Jungle)

You’re in the jungle, you look around. Everything is green and brown as far as you can see. You hear what you think are crickets and thousands of noises of insects surrounding you. It feels like they are getting nearer, one lands on your eyelid, you flinch and brush it off. The constant buzzing is unbearable. You walk forward, taking each step with caution. You step on leaves and twigs beneath you, each sound makes you jump. STOP! You can feel something. Orange, red, yellow, white. You hear hissing. You look down, coiling itself slowly around your ankle is a grass snake. You kick your legs and try to run. You trip on a large branch, suddenly the ground disappears beneath you and you’re falling, grabbing desperately onto anything secure to save you. Your face hits the floor. The hard gristle of debris scratches your face and the smell of dirt surrounds your nostrils. You look up the heat of the sun is sweltering. Beads of sweat start to drip down your face, you start clawing at the earth, dirt beneath your fingernails. The walls are caving in on you piles of dirt weighing heavily on your limp body. You feel helpless, you can’t move. You’re trapped.
You’re in a prison cell. Six foot by five. Your legs won’t straighten in front of you, not enough space. It seems as if there is no air. Just these four walls. All you can hear is distant screams. The walls are closing in on you. Nobody knows you’re here. Alone.
(Cue sound effects-beach)
You are walking along a long strip of white sand, palm trees to your left and an endless sea of blue water to your right. The water is glistening from the sun’s rays and the reflections of the heavens emerge on the top of the water. Orange, red,yellow,white. Birds are flying overhead, swooping down and circling the people on the beach.You smell the salt of the sea and feel the warm wind brushing through your hair and drying the droplets of water on your skin. The sand beneath your feet feels nice at first almost as if it is giving your feet the cuddle they deserve. You walk nearer to the water reaching the cold, wet sand that has been challenged by the waves, your feet begin to sink and each step becomes more of an effort for you. You are slowly but surely sinking into the sand, becoming part of the landscape itself.
Orange, red,yellow,white. Kids runs around laughing and screaming, too preoccupied by the sandcastle competition on the far side of the beach. Everyone around you doesn’t seem to notice your state of sheer panic. The waves are beginning to rise around you, the cold water engulfing your legs, waist and at last your torso. You try to scream for help but no words seem to come out, not the right time to be suffering from a state of speechlessness. It is as if you are invisible to everyone around you. Orange, red,yellow,white. You can see them, why else would you be flailing your arms in panic above the water. The water is rising relentlessly taking you as a victim. What have you done to deserve this. The water submerges up to your nose now, the task of breathing is becoming rapidly difficult, you’re inhaling water and you are helpless. All you can taste is the salt. All you can see is the darkness of the water around you. You look up the sunlight seems so far above you, surely you can’t have travelled this far already. Desperately trying to kick to the surface your legs feel numb you have no control over your muscles. Orange, red,yellow,white. Trapped in your own body screaming for help.

You’re a child making snow angels in the garden. That person is gone now, a result of our corrupt society. Life: Take two: You’re auditioning for the part of *NAME OF PARTICIPANT* Will you still make the cut? She doesn’t care now, she believes others over you. You didn’t do anything wrong but the hardest thing is too prove your innocence. Your friends and family are getting on with their lives, they have disowned you because of what you supposedly did. Nobody to comfort you, for all you know you could be here forever. Do you even know who you are anymore?

(Cue sound effects-meadow)

You’re in a meadow. The air is sweet and the sun feels warm against your skin. As you walk bare footed you can feel the soft lush green grass on your feet. You walk towards a bush with red flowers and a flock of birds emerge in beautiful flight. Orange, red,yellow,white. The sound of the tweets is soothing. There are trees as far as the eye can see. Rolling hills and in the distance, high snow covered peaks. You hear the sound of a stream that slowly gets louder until it thunders over a fall into a pristine lake. Water droplets caress your skin and gives you goosebumps. You walk towards the edge of the meadow taking in the beauty of the aromatic green land. The light from the sun is broken by the leaves and branches, the ground is damp but is still pleasurable to touch. As you inhale you can smell the earth. Orange,red,yellow,white. In the distance you see a pond and a wooden shed and decide to go for a closer look. The tweeting has ceased and the air becomes foggy. You hear a crack of a twig
and quickly spin round to find nothing. It’s just you. You turn to face the shed but it has vanished. The light that has been illuminating your journey has slowly faded into night.

(Cue sound effects- Party)

Orange, red, yellow, white. Orange, red, yellow, white. Drunk. You have another. You walk into the room. You feel intoxicated. You share a smile with the people passing by, you’re joking, you’re laughing, and your voice is becoming louder. ‘Where is she, where is she?’ she’s ill. She might be somewhere inside. Where, Why? Move pass that guy that’s fingering that girl on the stairs you might be able to find her. Where? Everywhere looks identical, your head feels heavy and your body light. You need to check that bedroom, no, nothing. The next? No, nothing. The next room…
Is that your best friend fucking your girlfriend? Fucking your girlfriend like a dog? Take the pills. (DROP PILLS IN BOX)
Go on, take a pill. You already feel the effect of the drink. Why not drink another.

(Loud bang on the box)

You’re sitting by yourself. The air is hazy and bitter cold. You see your girlfriends friends, they seem uneasy, they are not happy they have seen you. You take your time to look around; all the houses on the street look identical. This place seems familiar; you’ve been here before but can’t remember when, maybe in a dream. Orange, Red, Yellow, White. Orange, Red, Yellow, White. She’s singing a lullaby. You feel safe here. You hear her laughter, it drives you to do it. Orange, Red, Yellow, White. Do you know what is to come? Do you even know what you’re doing? It starts. It moves closer. (HEAT OF HAIRDRYER BEGINS)
Orange, Red, Yellow, White, Orange, Red, Yellow, White. ORANGE, RED, YELLOW, WHITE. You hear the crackling of the wood, the flames licking at your body burning your skin. Agony. The smoke suffocates you.
Oxygen, you need oxygen. HELP. HELP. HELP.
(HOLD HANDS WITH PARTICIPANT). Everyone is screaming for help, sirens roaring. The sound of someone trying to kick the door in to escape.
They stumble and fall and are taken victim, the flames engulf the body. Desperately trying to drag yourself across the floor, the heat is rising rapidly. Your body feels numb you can’t think straight.
(YOUR HAND BECOMES LIFELESS) Your eyes are closing all you want to do is lie down and just rest, fighting is too much effort. You don’t have the energy you feel lifeless. Besides can anybody stop this? Does anyone even notice? You’re lying on the hard ground in a place that has no significance, you feel weightless as if you’re flying. Observing the world below.

Or , of course you could just be in a box?


The repeated use of Orange, Red, Yellow, White creates the message that there is a fire, without being literal. The use of this line throughout all four locations somehow links them all together.