One of the things we want to explore with our performance, is the notion of no two performances ever being the same. No matter how many times you perform a piece, it will never truly be the same. In Performance Studies: An Introduction, Schechner states ‘‘…every performance is different from every other. First, fixed bits of behaviour can be recombined in endless variations. Second, no event can exactly copy another event. Not only the behaviour itself- nuances of  mood, tone of voice, body language, and so on, but also the specific occasion and context make each instance unique.’’ (2002, p. 30) By using one audience member per performance we are changing what happens every time we perform. Not only because of the physical attributes such as time or location, but because no audience member will experience the same thing. Some will notice certain things more than others. By putting the audience in the box and taking away their sight they have to use their imagination to ‘see’ the story, so no two performances could possibly be the same.


Works Cited

Schechner, R (2002) Performance Studies: An Introduction, London: Routledge.