We will never be able to say truly how the performance went. Each audience member will of experienced their time in the box differently, depending on how vivid their imagination can be. The transitions between sound queues and sound effect… Continue Reading →
“The use of pre-recorded sounds and images created a sense of being both in the recorded past and in the live present.” (Petralia 2010, p.96) “sound and physical presence being re-located to within a viewer’s brain” (Petralia 2010, p.96/7) To… Continue Reading →
Once the audience member is inside the box they are entering a world of theatrical performance; ‘Theatre is something which engages both the eye and the ear. The two public senses are seeing and hearing..’ (Sandford, 1995, p.51). While inside… Continue Reading →
The Paper Cinema’s Odyssey is a prime example of how music can create a fixed atmosphere. Using amazing, yet simple methods to create live sound effects, this piece became a huge inspiration when we started to generate ideas involving sound…. Continue Reading →
Our performance idea has created endless possibilities for our script, we just need the audience member participating to use their imagination. After our first feedback session with our tutor we realized the script, even though it told a dysfunctional story… Continue Reading →
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