The performance went as according to plan, there were a few minor technical hitches ,however these were quickly solved and we managed to perform to eight audience members over the space of two and a half hours. Feedback from participants… Continue Reading →
The Routledge Companion to Theatre and Performance states ” by most definitions, the audience and/or the spectator fundamentally constitute theatre and performance by witnessing it and at least partially producing its meaning (Allain,2006 p.132). With reference to our performance the question… Continue Reading →
Kobo Abe’s novel The Box Man tells the story of a nameless protagonist who wears a cardboard box over his head and describes the world outside that he cannot see, with his imagination. This links to our concept of narrating various… Continue Reading →
Our performance aims to manipulate the audience member’s subconscious by placing them in the box, taking away their sight and discovering if this can affect their version of reality and the relevance of this to the sublime… Performance Structure:… Continue Reading →
Colin Counsell states “We never encounter the real world, only culturally shaped formulations of it, so the reality that we experience is ‘textual’ even as we perceive it” (1996, p.207). This questions the way we think and view the world,… Continue Reading →
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