You're in a box, the box will always be a box and you will always be in the box

Category Julia Curry

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Our performance idea has created endless possibilities for our script, we just need the audience member participating to use their imagination.  After our first feedback session with our tutor we realized the script, even though it told a dysfunctional story… Continue Reading →


On the 5th November as part of our contemporary workshop we took part in an online performance through Writing a tweet in under 140 characters provides you with fragments of feelings/thought/opinion and information. Because our performance is created through… Continue Reading →

‘Manipulating the stimulus’

When initial ideas had been generated for our final performance, the use of headphones was a popular choice within our group. After studying the article, Headspace : Architectural Space in the Brain and watching the performance of Whsiper we have generated a greater understanding… Continue Reading →

Stream of Subconsciousness

A stream of consciousness is a narrative device used in literature to depict the multitudinous thoughts and feelings which pass through the mind. We were asked to create a stream of subconsciousness after watching our class partner repeatedly stand up, to then… Continue Reading →

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