You're in a box, the box will always be a box and you will always be in the box

Category Exploring Performance


We will never be able to say truly how the performance went. Each audience member will of experienced their time in the box differently, depending on how vivid their imagination can be. The transitions between sound queues and sound effect… Continue Reading →

The Importance of Sound

“The use of pre-recorded sounds and images created a sense of being both in the recorded past and in the live present.” (Petralia 2010, p.96)   “sound and physical presence being re-located to within a viewer’s brain” (Petralia 2010, p.96/7) To… Continue Reading →

Schrodinger’s box?

We have been looking into the experiment called ‘Schrodinger’s Cat’ in which, Erwin Schrodinger argued that a cat was both alive and dead at the same time. Wogan says of the experiment, “The famous paradox of Schrödinger’s cat starts from… Continue Reading →

You are here…

Our performance idea has created endless possibilities for our script, we just need the audience member participating to use their imagination.  After our first feedback session with our tutor we realized the script, even though it told a dysfunctional story… Continue Reading →


On the 5th November as part of our contemporary workshop we took part in an online performance through Writing a tweet in under 140 characters provides you with fragments of feelings/thought/opinion and information. Because our performance is created through… Continue Reading →

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