You're in a box, the box will always be a box and you will always be in the box

Category Exploring Performance

Are We Present?

After watching Marina Abramovic: The Artist is Present, we decided we wanted to explore the idea of connecting with an audience.   Abramovic uses this performance to connect with audience members by just making eye contact with them. We found… Continue Reading →

Stream of Subconsciousness

A stream of consciousness is a narrative device used in literature to depict the multitudinous thoughts and feelings which pass through the mind. We were asked to create a stream of subconsciousness after watching our class partner repeatedly stand up, to then… Continue Reading →

The subconscious as our identity

After discussing the concept of identity and what it means to be ‘you’, we realised that in fact through processes such as automated writing the thoughts which stem from the subconscious are representing you as an individual; your identity. We… Continue Reading →

Ideas for performance

  The idea of identity and stereotyping interested us as a group. We explored this notion through discussion and considered ways in which we could put this  into performance. Our intention is to find out if in fact people’s preconceptions… Continue Reading →

What is performance?

I am sitting here typing this post. Is this a performance in itself? It certainly is restored behaviour stemming right back from when I first learnt to write. As Schechner states, an action can have a certain “onceness” (2002, p.29)… Continue Reading →

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